....it smells like cow (and I mean really smells like cow). And even though it smells like cow (or maybe because of it?) we keep going back; we just can't get enough. And why can't we get enough? Because it has everything we love: maple sugaring; fun bike rides; dreamy restaurants like The Kitchen Table; entertaining violin concerts presented by one Beth Madsen; and, of course, some of our favorite people--Beth, Sam and their parents (yes, that's what you've become, Nate and Amy--Sam and Beth's parents). This time Vermont even had an added perk--Josh's mom, Adelee, as we so fondly refer to her, was visiting, so we jumped in the car, hopped on the ferry and were there in a jiffy to spend time with our fun Granny. And what fun we had. Thanks Nate and Amy for housing all us crazy hooligans for the weekend and thanks to Adelee for all the good times. We heart Vermont!

Willy Will and Sammy Sam in their
twinner outfits (bought independently, mind you). The boys were so funny that night--Will trying to wrestle Sam, Sam trying to kiss Will. It was a riot!

Maple sugaring at Taft Farm (where we bought $80 worth of maple syrup). Oh, the smell, the
pungent cow dung smell. I can smell it now, just thinking of it. However, the smell did not deter Will. He loved him his cows and wanted to touch them and play with them and roll in their dirty, mucky filth. Yum, yum, yum.

What would VT be without a picture of Beth? Too bad it's blurry.

This is Will's face when we went into the barn. Pee-y

On his first John Deere--it was love at first sight.