Anyone who knows me knows that I not only have a great family, but I also have great in-laws. Among these fabulous in-laws is my sis-in-law Jane, whom I adore. She is cute, funny, kind, smart, gutsy and knows what she wants (not to mention street savvy--she lives in NYC, for heaven's sake). Currently, she is competing in The Mormon Bachelor, similar to that of The Bachelor--only this is for eternity, not for two-Hollywood seconds (check out her entry video here: Plain Jane; it's darling). And let me tell you, Mormon Bachelor Rick, if you choose Jane, you'll be glad you did. And now here's where I need you, all ten of my readers: Jane's date is now up and running on the blog The Mormon Bachelor, so you need to watch it, comment on it and then like her on Facebook. The more likes she gets, the better her chances for a second date. And believe you me, Rick needs to take her out on a second date--for his sake. Okay, my friends. Start watching and start liking. Go Jane--we love you, soft lips!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The Floating Embryo
This last year has been hard. Even while typing that, I can't hardly believe it. Because even though it's been hard, it's also been wonderful. Hard, because we've undergone three IVF cycles (one frozen, two fresh) to no avail. Wonderful, because I am the mom to the funniest, most energetic, cutest, smartest (clearly I'm not biased) little boy and married to the kindest, most helpful, funniest man. And now I'm in the midst of another IVF cycle, one that hasn't been as successful as I've hoped. The last few cycles I haven't been producing very many eggs, but this one we got a decent amount (7)! However, for some reason, only one of those seven fertilized. Saturday, we transferred that lone embryo, hoping and praying that this one floating embryo can transform into something miraculous. And I do believe that miracles can happen. But more importantly, I know that no matter what, God loves me and that the right thing will happen for me and for my family. That's all I can do--trust in God.
I've had three scriptural heroes on the mind lately: Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego. When faced with the fiery furnace, for worshiping God and not the king's graven images, they stood their ground, refusing to worship anyone but God. They proclaimed that they knew God could save them from the fire's flames, but if not, they would still serve God. I love that--but if not. We can't always predict God's will for us, we can only put our faith in Him and trust that it will all work out. And as I face down my own fiery furnace--the terrible ten days of waiting for the pregnancy test, the progesterone shots with the "horse" needle (as Josh refers to it), the prospect that this might not work for me, that this might not ever work for me--I say that if God can save Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego from the fiery furnace, he can make this one floating embryo into a baby. I can also say, though, as Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego, but if not. But if not, I will still worship God. But if not, I will still serve Him. But if not, my faith will not be shaken. And while this has been something that is so hard for me, it has also been something that has helped me to come to rely on my Savior so wholly and completely. And while I in no way can compare my trials to that of the handcart pulling pioneers, I share in their sentiment: "The price we paid to become acquainted with God was a privilege to pay." (quoted from a survivor of the Martin Handcart company). I have come to know God and I have felt his love for me as a tangible force. And though I long to have a baby, lots of babies, I wouldn't trade that love, that knowledge, for all the babies in the world.
Posted by Madsen Family at 2:20 PM 10 comments
Monday, January 3, 2011
This Christmas
This Christmas:
Note: Today, Will turned to me and said, "Next time Santa Cwaus come to church with us." I'm thinking he thinks Santa is some distant relative who will, hopefully, one day come on over to our house and stay for a while. He also keeps asking me for random toys and tells me that, "Santa Cwaus will get 'em for me". Right.
13. And we remembered why we celebrate Christmas: for the gift of our Savior--his life, birth, death and Resurrection--without which we'd have no reason to be merry at all.
Posted by Madsen Family at 12:59 AM 4 comments