So that our peanut could better eat his yummy rice cereal, we purchased a high chair (we figured that would come in handy, right?). Since our dining area isn't huge and I didn't want a bulky high chair, we bought the Fisher Price Space Saver high chair that just straps onto a chair. I LOVE it; it's the perfect size and it doesn't take up extra space--plus, it can turn into a toddler seat for when he gets older. Anyhow, Will doesn't need the tray yet, so we just push him up to the table, with his hands/arms under the table so they don't interfere with the feeding process (this is key b/c his little hands are always in his mouth and it is quite the task to feed him whilst his hands are in his mouth) and then we feed him. It just is a crack up to me because he just is this little head sitting at the table. He is really turning into a great eater, as these pictures will attest.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Rice Cereal, YUM!
Posted by Madsen Family at 7:13 AM 11 comments
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Bumbo in the Buff...
On another note, I am dying to know what my blogger-fans (yes, all five of you:) think of Baby Willy's looks (well, I know you think he's darling, but I want to know WHO you think he looks like). Josh and I don't think he really resembles either one of us, but now we'll let you decide: is Will a little Joshy or a little Jessy????
Posted by Madsen Family at 12:41 PM 6 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
A BIG week for such a small boy!
Posted by Madsen Family at 12:55 PM 8 comments
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
4 Months: Really???
My, oh my! Where has the time gone? Saturday last our little boy turned 4-months-old. And little boy is right! He is still just a peanut: 12 lbs. 10 oz. YIKES! That's just the 10%....We started feeding him some rice cereal last night per the doctor's instructions to try to fatten this boy up. I'm not sure it'll work since he wasn't too keen on the whole cereal idea. However, last night was the first time he slept through the night in a while, so perhaps that played some role. Let's hope that's a pattern...The bags under my eyes are becoming a serious problem, people.
Though I am sure you are a tad bored with all the William updates, you must appease me since this is my journal/blog and that's mostly what we do around here: play with Will, feed Will, sing to Will, read to Will and TRY TO GET WILL TO SLEEP. This past month he has really started to play and I love, love, love spending time with him. He loves to be sung to (especially "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly"); his face just lights up when you sing. Whenever I stick my tongue out at him, it's sure to get a smile. Josh likes to blow in his face and then Will just blows bubbles right back at him. He has started cuddling with blankets and I think it is so sweet since both Josh and I were blanky lovers. He adores Baby Einstein, especially Baby Mozart and Beethoven. He still loves his bouncy seat where he just grabs the toy elephant and chews and chews and chews. He loves to swing on the neighbors' swing (I'm trying to get Josh to hang one for us). And, of course, he's still a big fan of baths, the baby bjorn, eating his fingers and DROOLING. He is the leakiest baby I've ever known!
Here are some of our favorite photos of the last month:
Posted by Madsen Family at 4:22 AM 8 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
I just knew Will would love the Bumbo seat because any time I put him on his back, he just tries and tries to sit up so that he can see everything going on around him. In my opinion, it is because he is part genius (he gets the genius part from me) and is so very inquisitive about the world around him. That's why the Bumbo is great because he can sit and stare at world, thus fine-tuning his already fine-tuned mind. And I just had to share these cute pictures of him in his Bumbo. Thanks, Aunty Em for sending it to us and thanks to her friend Shar for gifting the seat. We love it!
Posted by Madsen Family at 12:45 PM 4 comments
Oh, How We Love Vermont
For Memorial Day weekend, the hubby, the kid and I decided to trek it on up to Vermont to visit Josh's brother, his wife and their little girl, Beth. Now, I was a tad nervous about the trip since Will had been doing great sleeping at night (three nights in a row--sleeping through the night. Yeah). But he did great whilst in VT; however, he hasn't sleep through the night since we've been home. Boo. Ah, least we had lots of fun in Vermont. The highlights: Robert & Gigi singing group (Will loves singing); yummy breakfast at Shelburne farms; home renovations (mostly Josh and Nate); dreamy hot dogs and smores at the fire pit; and, of course, the entertainment: Beth. She literally kept Willy entertained the entire time. He just sat in his bouncy seat and laughed and smiled while Beth sang and danced for him. Plus, she was so generous with all her toys and books. Beth even made up a song for him! She is going to be the best big sister to her baby brother Sam, who will be joining their family any day now!
Oh, how we love Vermont and can't wait to visit again. (In fact, I really wanted to take Beth home with me so that she could be Will's constant amusement. The Tuesday we got home he was fussier than usual--I'm gathering because he was so bored with me. I rarely sing and dance the whole day long for him, though, at times--when I'm desperate--I do). Here are the few pics we managed to take:
Posted by Madsen Family at 12:23 PM 1 comments