That's right--we did it, we made it, we stayed the course and we even won! You may be wondering, who did what, where, when and why? Ne'er you fear, for I will tell you: we, Josh's splendid little sister Jane (Will's hair twin), her astonishing roomie Adrienne and I, ran/rode/ran the Toga Duathlon this last Saturday in Congers, NY. Now you may be wondering, what in the holy heck is a duathlon? Well, lucky you, I will tell you. It is a 5k run, a 25k bike ride followed by yet another 5k run. Intense, I tell you, intense. But fun. It was a little race (only 79 racers) and everyone there was pretty hardcore. The site was gorgeous--this little state park--so pretty and quaint with tons of nature (I even had to move off the path during one run to let a family of ducks cross). Out of 79 racers I was 63rd, but--and I should have led with this--I got first place in my age group. Wa-hoo. (I should definitely not mention that I was the only female racer in that age-group. I should let you believe I am super speedy). I accomplished all my goals: never, never give up and finish under two hours. That was impressive considering I rode 15.5 miles in running shorts. Yea, I wouldn't recommend it, but I couldn't fathom running in biking shorts, so I chose the lesser of two evils (I thought I might change shorts in between, but as luck would have it the professional photographer happened to set up shop right in my transition area. That's one photo I can safely say no one would want to see).
I loved training for the race, having a purpose to my work-outs and I loved the sense of accomplishment I felt after the race. I learned that I still don't love running so much, that I looooove biking (in biking shorts that is) and that I can't wait to compete in another race. Bring on the next race, people, bring it on!
And the real hero of the tale: my hubby Joshy. Not only was he super-dad every day after work so that I could train (he fed Will dinner every night, bathed him and got him ready for bed); not only did he encourage me and support me whole-heartedly in this venture; not only did he drive three hours (b/c of crazy traffic) to get to this race site and not only was he our bike putter-togetherer extraordinaire, but he also was our biggest cheerleader (along with Will) during the race. Since the bike course was four 4 mile loops, he and Will just camped out on a picnic bench and cheered us all on. It made my heart so happy to see them for every loop. Thanks, Joshy. Couldn't have done it without you.
And another shout out to my friend Beth who was my trainer and supporter. She devised an entire training program for me and even simulated a bike course so that I could be prepared for the race. And boy was I prepared. Thanks, Beth. You're the best. Now I'm ready for you to plan my next race, thank you very much...hee, hee.
Awesome job Jessy. I am so proud of you!
WOW! That is soooo awesome. I didn't even know you were into running/biking. What an accomplishment. Good work Jessy!
Impressive! Way to go, Jess. I hope that plaque stays on the mantel for a very long time. Can't wait to see you guys next week...Will sure is getting big!
Wow I am very impressed! Good job.
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