Saturday, October 29, 2011
More Lucy

Posted by Madsen Family at 1:46 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Posted by Madsen Family at 9:11 AM 12 comments
Friday, October 14, 2011
Pictures of Baby Lucy: My Gift to You
Posted by Madsen Family at 11:45 AM 21 comments
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
I Dare You to Find. . .
. . .a little boy as cute as this: or this:
- A few weeks ago, he was just walking around the house calling things nasty, as in, "Oh boy, that is nasty." I was a little perplexed by this, since I don't recall using this word. When I asked him who taught him to say that, he quickly replied, "Grammy taught it to me." Right, Will, Grammy did.
- It was a rainy day and I was car-less and trying to get things done around the house. So, Will just played and played around me, never getting dressed. In fact he was just wearing his jammy tops and some underwear, when I told him that dada would be coming home soon. To this he responded, "Do that mean I need to put on pants?" Yes, dada is the known pants-enforcer in our home.
- We were running late to a doctor's appointment, when I told Will I would be his best friend if he would just buckle himself in his carseat. Since no immediate action was taken and I needed to get going, I just reached back and buckled him myself. While doing so, Will stated, "I want you to be my best friend and buckle me!"
- Josh, Will and I were off to a church function when we got stuck in traffic due to construction. Knowing the extent of the traffic, I could foresee that the usual 5-minute-commute to the church would take at least 40 minutes; thus, I started whining (in my defense, food was to be served at this function and I hadn't eaten since lunch so I was hungry, hungry, hungry which makes me a tad testy). After listening to my complaints for a few minutes, Will told me from the back of the car, "Mama, just be quiet!" Nothing like being put in your place by a three-year-old.
- Lately, I've been obsessed with listening to Les Miserables. I guess it's been quite a bit since one time while in the car I asked Will what he wanted to listen to and he replied, "The Jon U Jon song." I laughed and laughed at that, since I knew that he meant Jean Valjean. And now, he walks around singing, "Who am I? I'm Jon U Jon!"
- Will must be listening to me intently lately since yesterday, he stated, "Why can't baby Lucy just be born already?" Don't we both want to know, buddy.
- He is obsessed with hiding. When he hears the garage door opening, indicating Josh is home, he runs and cries, "Hide! Hide! Hide!" And every night, before bed, if he has to run to go potty or brush his teeth, he tells Josh and me to hide. We always hide in the same spot (under the covers) but he acts surprised every time. My favorite is when we play hide and go seek and he tells me, "I seeked you!" (meaning, of course, he found me).
Here are a few more pics:
Posted by Madsen Family at 9:41 AM 5 comments
Sunday, October 2, 2011
World, Meet Wolverine, My Husband
It's no secret that, though not an exceptionally talented person myself, my one true talent lies in surrounding myself with truly talented people. Enter Joshy, who really is one of the most talented people I know. And though he may not be a true super hero in the worldly sense (even though after a good night's rest he has the "Wolverine hair" as seen in the picture below), he really has been my super hero in helping me prepare for this baby. My nesting instinct has mostly consisted of merely standing by and ensuring Josh gets everything done on his "Honey-do" list. Here is just a small taste of what he's accomplished to prepare us for baby Lucy (who, please bless, will make her appearance real soon). Will and Josh displaying Josh's perfect Wolverine hair. Notice the shelves he made hanging on the wall behind them and the bed he made for Will that they are sitting on (and the cute comforter my SIL made).
1. The closet. He not only hung extra shelves in the master closet so that he could move all his gear in, but he also eliminated at least 30 t-shirts from his collection to make room for baby Lucy. If any of you truly know Josh, then you know how difficult this was for him. He is insanely attached to his t-shirts. I was laughing so hard at some of his comments while downsizing (I wrote them down b/c I needed it on paper--here's just a few):
- "But what if I ever need to be a cowboy?"
- "It might be time to give this one away. It's too big. It's got stains on it. I've had it for 17 years. I'll sleep in it tonight one last time, then give it away."
- "I could acid wash them to make them look better." (That one's for his brother, Nate).
3. Sanding, priming and painting, painting, painting.
Posted by Madsen Family at 11:39 AM 6 comments