Welcome to the world, little baby Lucy. You may still be officially nameless (will it be Lucille or Lucy?) and you may have come into this world far too fast and furiously (barely made it to the hospital) and you may look a little bit like a boy (she is a twin of Will when he was brand new) but one thing is for sure: you are adorable and loved to pieces. Grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles and cousins have been begging for photos, so enjoy these photos of baby Lucy with limited commentary (my brother Jon says he never reads the words any way--he calls my blog too wordy). I'll post more details later.

First picture ever. Birth date: Wednesday, October 12, 3:15 a.m. Born at 39 weeks 6 days. One day early. I really thought she was
never going to come.

Weight: 8 lbs. 4 oz. Height: 21 inches. Healthy and happy, with a cone head just like her brother Will. Can you believe I gave birth to this big baby SANS drugs? I think I should get some sort of award. Especially since I am the world's #1 advocate of modern medicine (a.k.a. epidurals).

Hospital attire: cap and swaddling blanket.

You can't really tell from the photo, but she has the cutest strawberry blond hair. Whenever Will was at the hospital, all the nurses would comment on our redheaded children.

Will's first time meeting baby Lucy. I'd say he likes her. I think the jury's still out as to whether or not he wants to keep her. And I'm pretty sure his favorite part of the hospital was the moving beds. He would not stop playing with those beds, making them go up and down. I think that is one of my favorite parts of the hospital, too. That and the nurses call button attached to the beds. I want one of those at my house.

Will and his little sister, Lucy.

Getting ready to take off. We kind of left the hospital in a mad rush because I was getting a roommate and wanted no part of that, so as my gift to that new mom, we left that night so she could have a solo room. I'd been there two full days and one night anyway. Plus, the beauty of the nursery in the middle of the night was dead to me since every time I called the nursery to come and take the baby back THEY NEVER CAME. So, baby girl bunked with me all night anyway.

Oh yes, I was there too. Once we got her in some pink, she looked more feminine. We realized as we were leaving the hospital that we never took any pictures of me. Luckily, we snapped a few photos at the end. It's a good thing since I'd say I was a pretty integral part of this whole process.

Isn't she a doll?

All ready for the car ride home.

Once home, Will insisted both he and she get their nigh-nighs and have them downstairs. He's usually not allowed to have his nigh-nigh downstairs, so I'm sure this was all a ploy to get his nigh nigh, but it was still cute.

Trying to give her a kiss.

Sorry baby girl, but I'm afraid this is a portent of things to come--getting harassed by your much bigger big brother.
We love you, little Lucy (or little Lucille?). We are thrilled you are finally here!
Oh man, she is so beautiful and Will is so cute with her. And, by the way, you look way too good for just having a baby. Cody was born one day early too. But it sure wasn't early enough. :) Congratulations!
Welcome baby Lucy! What a doll. I can't wait to meet her!
!!!!!!!!Thank you for posting so quickly! My fave picture is one of Will kissing her and the one of you holding her where she really does look like a doll! And she totally looks like Will did! I'm so happy for you and I'd LOVE to hear more details. You know, when you're not busy keeping your family alive and have gotten some sleep (a few years from now?). Love your family!
Lucy, you are adorable and we are so glad you are here.
Congratulations! I'm looking forward to hearing more about your mad dash to the hospital at some point. I bet it was an adventure! And I seriously think you should get some kind of award. Labor's hard enough work WITH the epidural!
I had to share my room at the hospital, and so I can verify that the new mom must appreciate you taking off! (It wouldn't have been very fun for you, either, so...)
Hope you're well taken care of at home! And congratulations again! She's so beautiful.
Congratulations, Jessy! She is sooo cute. I'm so happy for you and your family. Love you!
She is a doll! Congrats! She is beautiful!! Love her all pinked-out :)
Will is going to be the best brother ever and I can't wait to watch as their relationship develops. They are going to love each other.
I hope you are recovering ok. I am a HUGE fan of the epidural too, so I am very impressed. You do deserve an award (in addition to your cute daughter). Tell your husband to get on that :)
Congrats again!!
Katie had lots of fun looking at the pics with me. "Look at the baby!" over and over. Lucy really is beautiful!
Lucy is adorable! I'm so happy for you all. Can't wait to meet her in person. And Jess, you look fantastic...maybe going natural is the way to go! Love you!
Oh Jess, she's adorable! SO glad she's here and you're all doing well. You look amazing. Have fun these next few months as they grow way too fast! My little Cooper is already 3 months old and so big...the newborn months fly by, as you know. No drugs? Very impressive. In all the spare time you're going to have, do lots of updates! Congrats!
And what a gift it is! :) She is so cute! :) I loved the pictures of her and Will! Can't wait for more! And you look great! :) I can't believe you did it without medicine, I am in awe! :)
What a cutie! And I think I need the full birth story--you, without an epidural?! There's a story there. Congrats, Josh and Jessy and Will!!
shes amazing and perfect!!! my girls are going crazy over her and keep asking when they can hold her. so happy everyone is home and doing well. now the real fun begins!
Congrats, Jess & Josh! Jac just saw your mom and she spread the news. And another Lucy - you can't go wrong with that name. Pure joy comes from LUCY. It's the cutest!
She looks like a bundle of sweetness.
Love, the Ballous
Yay! Congratulations! She is beautiful1 I hope we get to see you again sometime soon!
Congrats hot stuff!! She is adorable!
No epidural...wonder woman! She is beautiful! Congrats.
Congrats Jessy!! So exciting! She is beautiful.
tiny lucy is soooo cute we wish we can see lucy now love, beth.
Beth really did do that comment all on her own and showed me the finished product. We too wish we could see adorable Lucy in person and are so sad we didn't make it this weekend. You, however are relieved as I have three sick kiddos! Love to all, can't wait to meet sweet Lucy!
More pictures of Lucy please
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