Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Until recently I was totally convinced that my child had the makings of a genius. Yes, I am sure that you'd all say the same thing about your child, but for me, I thought it was oh-so-true. However, notice the past tense in these sentences: was a genius, thought he was destined to become one... What has changed my mind, you ask? Let's just say one too many bumps in the wall has made me seriously reconsider. For one, how smart can he be if he just continues to crawl full throttle directly INTO the wall (or desk or fridge or bed or bath or crib), never stopping, never deviating from his path? For two, how smart can he possibly become if he continues to crawl full throttle directly INTO the wall, losing precious brain cells in the process? How can he go from child prodigy to problem child (as in, we're going to have a problem if you don't stop banging your head) in so short a time?

Here's a picture of the little culprit. Isn't he too cute? (yes, Taraka, I stole this from your blog--just one of many to come). We love this little guy, though we do worry for his head!


Cookie, Jason, Olivia, and Mya said...

I have learned babies have very hard heads. They have to or we would all have brain damaged children.

Rosie Moncrief said...

at least he's super cute!!!!

bluestocking mama said...

maybe he is a genius. he's just trying to express his profound discontent with the state of affairs in our sad and sorry world. maybe he needs some anti-depressants? or some songs of hope and gladness? or maybe you should just line that adorable little hat from the last post with styrofoam and quilt batting and call it good.

Kimberly said...

jessy, you are just lols.

Toni said...

Hmmm....Try a helmet? Not to worry. He'll figure it out. Just wanted to drop a note to tell you how much I enjoyed being with you and everyone else at the reunion. You're as wonderful as ever and always leave so many good memories for people around you. Thank you! Utah is waiting so come soon.

The Jimmy Harry Family said...

I think it is all boys in general, they just love to do wierd and crazy stuff. Banging heads and wrestling are just few things boys love to do. I hope you got a good picture of it. You can use it as blackmail later on!