As predicted (see this post), our January was far from enthralling--you know how it is: wintry weather, cabin fever, the post-Holiday let down. However, we did manage to do a few things and even take pictures. So, now for your viewing pleasure: our January in pictures.
Chore-day Monday at our house looks like this: (yes, it is better cleaning the toilet without pants)
Building and playing trains: Here he's utilizing "Cranky, cranky" as he refers to him:
Snuggling with our nigh-nigh under the table (or anywhere else for that matter. This kid is seriously obsessed with this blanket. It's disturbing). One night, after dinner, Will just brought his nigh-nigh and pillow down and insisted he go to bed under the table.
Sledding, sledding and more sledding.
Every chance we got, when it wasn't freezing, we went sledding. This kid loves it. And our backyard has the perfect hill for him. And notice he had to wear his Thomas back-pack filled with his cars to sled.
Such cute pictures! Love the backpack full of cars while sledding!
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