Our favorite thing about our Spokane visit really was how much we got spoiled by our Grammy and Pompa. Really, my life was a dream: woke up, went to the gym with my dad while Grammy watched Will, played with Grammy, Pompa, Will, aunts, uncles, and cousins all day, napped while Will napped, ate a homemade meal almost every night, went to bed and started it all over again. Of course, we did miss our dada, or else we may have never left. Will just adores his Grammy and Pompa and talks of them often. And, I daresay, I think the feeling is mutual.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Grammy & Pompa
Posted by Madsen Family at 11:32 AM 3 comments
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Cam and Rachelle's Wedding

Posted by Madsen Family at 6:25 PM 3 comments
I've just had a glimpse of my future....
Posted by Madsen Family at 6:03 AM 1 comments
Friday, December 17, 2010
Santa Cwaus

What Will asked Santa for Christmas: friends of Snot Rod. I hope Santa obliges!
Posted by Madsen Family at 10:58 AM 2 comments
Thursday, December 16, 2010
I is for Igloo
Posted by Madsen Family at 12:52 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Singing Videos
We finally figured out how to get Will to sing for the camera: chocolate chips. Yes, that's good parenting--cold, hard bribery. But hey, if it produces these little gems of Will singing his favorite songs, then it was worth it. (Disregard that for one film he's actually eating a chocolate chip whilst singing. Also disregard what he is wearing. And do recall that he is learning to dress himself).
Posted by Madsen Family at 2:15 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
How to have a cheap, easy (and let's be honest--lazy) Halloween
Step 1: In a delirious moment, determine to craft your child a hand made Thomas the Train costume from scratch, using materials you currently have in your possession. (Cheap. Not easy. Definitely not lazy).
Step 2: Procrastinate making said costume. (Cheap, easy AND lazy).
Step 3: The night before Halloween utterly freak out since you have neither made a costume nor have you bothered to buy one. Fortunately, your kind neighbor saves the day, providing a darling dinosaur costume for your child to wear. (Cheap, easy and lazy. Perfect).
Step 4: Go to the ward Halloween party with dinosaur in tow (it turns out costume was actually a dragon, not a dinosaur, but try telling that to a determined two-year-old. Oh, how he loved that dinosaur costume. What joy it was for him to wear it). Attempt to take pictures before the party, but to no avail (Josh was absent), so give up and make do with this beauty--see below (cheap, easy and lazy. I'm sensing a pattern).
Posted by Madsen Family at 5:16 PM 3 comments
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Fall Leaves 2010
And we had to get a video of Will running/rolling down the hill, though I am not sure why the video is so little??
Posted by Madsen Family at 5:41 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The things he says
- Will and I have been "reading" the scriptures together at breakfast (basically just looking at the pictures in the Gospel Art Binder and then telling the stories and singing any songs that correlate with the story) and we had been learning about Abinadi. One morning I couldn't find the Gospel Art book with the pictures, so I asked, "Where's Abinadi? Have you seen Abinadi?" To which Will responded, "Um, Abinadi dead." Yes, Will, Abinadi is dead.
- Will wanted to have the lights off at dinner one night so I said, sure why not? (There was still some daylight out, so it wasn't completely dark). When he turned off the lights, I said, "Ooooh, Will isn't it romantic?" And of course Will said, "Yea, romantic." Josh questioned Will, asking him what the word romantic meant, and Will said, "Um, it means take a nap." At our house, apparently, romantic means taking a nap. Very nice.
- Will and Josh were doing somersaults one Sunday afternoon when they told me it was my turn. I was still wearing my Sunday skirt, so I said, "I don't know if I can. Ladies don't do somersaults in skirts." Will thought on this and quickly countered with, "You not a lady; you a mama." So, what was I to do? A somersault in my skirt, obviously.
- We were sitting at dinner and Will just looks at Josh and said, "Welcome to the Island of Sodor, Dada." Clearly, he has been watching far too much Thomas the Train since this is the opening phrase to every Thomas show.
- Will and I were coloring when he wanted me to draw dinosaurs. This is tricky for me, since my drawing repertoire is limited to flowers, rainbows, and houses. So, I decided to go to clipart to print off some dinosaurs that I could trace. Will was sitting on my lap while I was doing this and as I was editing the dinosaurs, Will looked at me and said, "Cool dinosaurs, babe."
- That same coloring day, after I had drawn my dinosaurs (again I'm not so handy with the pen), Will turned to me, looked at my dinosaur drawing and observed, "Your rainbow is better, Mama."
- I had a ba-zillion errands to run and so I was prepping Will for this by telling him we were going on an adventure. We got in the car and Will asked where we were going. Again, I told him we're going on an adventure. Will thinks about this and said, "No, Mama. We not going on a-venture. We going on the road." Right, silly me.
Posted by Madsen Family at 4:50 PM 3 comments
Monday, November 1, 2010
Big Boy Bed
Posted by Madsen Family at 11:43 AM 3 comments
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Punkin' Patch
Posted by Madsen Family at 11:00 AM 5 comments
Friday, October 22, 2010
Fall is where it's at
Posted by Madsen Family at 5:49 AM 6 comments