Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I am sure there are many of you, possibly thousands, sitting anxiously on the edges of your seats, wondering, "Is Jessy's precious crib finished as her dutiful husband so promised it would be come January 29th, the official due date for said crib?" Unfortunately, adoring fans, I have sad, sad news. The crib is, as we say in the baby business, overdue. If that doesn't paint a clear enough picture for you, then let me put it plainer: the crib is in pieces, sitting unfinished in my basement. Yet, somehow Josh is now on a plane to Utah where he will enjoy a fun ski weekend with his entire family while I sit here, staring at my unfinished crib and my empty nursery, sobbing into my pillow alone at night. Don't worry about me, though; I'm not bitter. I am, however, 8.3 months pregnant and crying does come easily these days. Hopefully, my little baby boy will be more cooperative than his crib and come ON TIME (and finished)! And, hopefully, he will have somewhere to lay his little head at night once he does arrive.

P.S. In all fairness to Josh, he hasn't finished the crib because he has been helping me with other projects: moving our office downstairs, painting the nursery and helping me make some art creations for the baby's room. But let's face it--when one is this pregnant and this hormonal, one will very rarely be fair. (By the way, I will post pictures of my art creations soon and I am sure you will be AMAZED with these artistic renditions, speculating how long I've been a closet artist and why I've been hiding it so).


Rindi said...

Oh, so sad. But happy for me, because I love reading your funny posts! And, this one provided me with enough laughs to last a while! If I were Josh, I wouldn't mess with a pregnant lady!! He'd better get to it when he gets home...I can't wait to hear the rest!

Megan said...

I'm so sad your crib isn't done. But it has been my experience that husbands ALWAYS pull through even if it a tad late. Nate has picked up this phrase from his dad "Mom, you worry too much." Obviously he's heard it once or twice. Can't help it though. Isn't worrying one of those things moms are supposed to do? I'm sure it's somewhere in the job description...

Ryan and Angela said...

I am so sorry about the crib. I totally get the cramming before a baby comes thing. No matter how prepared you are, the day before you deliver you will still be purchasing things and getting things ready. So when do we get to see a picture of cute pregnant Jessy? My kids (who refuse to finish a prayer with out blessing Jessy and Josh's baby) need to see their aunty.