Sunday, February 3, 2008

Acceptable Dinner?

I have a question that I've been pondering this fine Sabbath evening that I will now pose to you all, my fine blogging friends. In your well-informed opinions, what makes an acceptable dinner? In fact, what I really want to know is if you think the following comprises of a suitable, well-balanced meal: chocolate chip cookies (homemade, mind you), Ben and Jerry's Half-Baked ice cream (a Madsen household favorite), Wheaties (bran AND fiber) topped with banana slices (a fruit at least) and orange juice (yet more fiber). Now, before you make up your mind, I must express the advantages of the above meal. First, no grocery shopping was required; I ate what was already in my cupboards. Also, there was little to no preparation needed--open fridge, pour milk, grab spoon, eat cereal AND ice cream (straight out of the carton) with same spoon. That leads to the final appeal: no clean-up or dishes, only one shared spoon for the cereal and ice cream and one bowl for the Wheaties. Sunday IS the day of rest, so our meals should be low-key, right? And this meal facilitated faster access to the couch and a much-needed nap after waking up early for Ward Council.

I know I am no expert and I am far from a nutritionist, but I feel that this meal is a winner in my book. At least that's what I think and so does baby Willy. Like his mom, he is a lover of all things ice cream, so if there is ice cream involved, he's happy. Josh, I'm sure, would not have approved, but he hasn't yet returned from family ski trip, so he didn't get a vote. So, friends, what I need to know is if you, too, find this meal as acceptable and appealing as yours truly. I think you'll be hard pressed to find such a crowd pleaser!

P.S. Email me if you want recipes for any of the above dishes. It would be incredibly un-Relief Society of me if I did not offer the recipes for such a successful meal.


Mikaela said...

I now know what I will be having for dinner . . .
Hey Jessy, I have a baby gift for you and if I ever find the box I packed it in (I didn't have a chance to mail it before we left Indiana) I will take it to our cute post office that never has a line and mail it to you. Hopefully, it won't be overdue too. I know it's tough, but enjoy the last few days of being able to do basically what you want when you want!

jess said...

totally, totally, TOTALLY acceptable. i know all owey wanted was ice cream too, (or at least that was my excuse!) and really - i couldn't deprive him of his favorite treat! my theory was also to eat whatever might taste ok on the way back up. really gross, but completely true. and while joshy is gone, you can eat WHATEVER you want. you deserve it!

Megan said...

Cereal is ALWAYS an acceptable dinner entree in my book. Don't ask Reed though- he passionately disagrees but when husbands are away they have no say. At least that's what I tell myself. :)

Danalin said...

Perfectly acceptable and necessary, actually. With nobody else to cook for I love meals like that. Ty would probably be happy if I ate even that for lunch. Lunch is my hard time - I always forget to eat! Once Max is down for a nap I get everything really important commenting on your blog. :) I wish that we had ice cream in the freezer right now. I did, however, buy some Reese's Puffs cereal that I hear calling my name.

The Pyper Fam said...

Don't forget the dessert!

Anonymous said...

You are so funny!! I love Ben and Jerry's, but Tillamook "Udderly Chocolate" is my all time favorite next to chocolate cookie dough and oreo blizzard from DQ. Oh, yummy!! I have to say some of the best memories my kids have of dinner are the times we eat breakfast for dinner followed by a dish of ice-cream. In the word of Nacho,"It's the best!!!"

Lauren said...

Who says we didn't listen in our nutrition class at BYU?!? I won't even get started on the list of things I ate when Andy went out of town a few weeks ago. I was a little embarrased as I put all my purchases on the conveyer belt at the grocery store. So, the fact that you got the wheaties and the banana in there makes it a well rounded meal in my book!