Friday, January 28, 2011

The Mormon Bachelor

Anyone who knows me knows that I not only have a great family, but I also have great in-laws. Among these fabulous in-laws is my sis-in-law Jane, whom I adore. She is cute, funny, kind, smart, gutsy and knows what she wants (not to mention street savvy--she lives in NYC, for heaven's sake). Currently, she is competing in The Mormon Bachelor, similar to that of The Bachelor--only this is for eternity, not for two-Hollywood seconds (check out her entry video here: Plain Jane; it's darling). And let me tell you, Mormon Bachelor Rick, if you choose Jane, you'll be glad you did. And now here's where I need you, all ten of my readers: Jane's date is now up and running on the blog The Mormon Bachelor, so you need to watch it, comment on it and then like her on Facebook. The more likes she gets, the better her chances for a second date. And believe you me, Rick needs to take her out on a second date--for his sake. Okay, my friends. Start watching and start liking. Go Jane--we love you, soft lips!


Krista said...

Anything with the word "Bachelor" gets my attention seeing as how I am the biggest fan of the t.v. show...yes its hard to admit, but I do watch every season. So naturally I had to watch this. Jane is so cute and if I were a member of facebook she would have my vote. Good luck Jane.

Emily Christensen said...

This was cute.

Jeff and Erika Mitchell said...

What a great idea, Mormom Bachelor, I would so much rather watch that than the one that is on tv.

Anonymous said...

Cute Idea! It would be a better show than the one on now.