Our ward all gathered at our local (and I mean local) baseball game for a night of baseball, hot dogs and, of course, fireworks. To get Will pumped for the game we told him that Ben (his friend down the street) was going to the game (that holds much more appeal for our two-year-old than a night of baseball). All afternoon long he chanted, "Go see Ben. Go see Ben." So when we finally got to the game, he, of course, promptly went and found Ben, Ben's dada and insisted on sitting on Ben's dada's lap for the entire game. When we tried to get him to come sit with us, he just cried, "See Ben's dada. See Ben's dada." And who are we to refuse? So, he stayed there the entire game, asking Ben's dada repeatedly, "Where ball going? Where ball going? Where ball going?" Ben's dada, being the nice guy he is, continued to answer him. All I can say is, thank goodness for Ben's dada!

Here's Will with Ben's dada.

Ben's dada, Will, Ben and Ben's brother Damian.

Oh look--we were there too and Will deigned to sit with us for a while. (No, our child is not special; however, he does have a special cheese smile. He can smile normal--just not for pictures).

Cuddling with Dada. Will couldn't hold out for the fireworks. We had to get him home to bed.