Friday, May 2, 2008

Don't Judge Me....

Last night was historical. My baby, my sweet little boy, went to sleep promptly after only 5 minutes of fussing at 7:15. Then, hallelujah, he slept soundly until 5:54 (I actually think Josh's alarm clock woke him up). I am a new woman after getting 7.5 hours of sleep (though I did wake a few times, wondering where my baby was. Someone needs to teach ME how to sleep through the night again). After he nursed, he then again went promptly back to sleep until 8:10. Then at 9:30, he went down, awake, on his own, for a nap. It only lasted 30 minutes and he woke up still tired, but small miracles! And now, after going on a walk in his car seat/stroller he is going for one of his marathon naps.....

So, you may be wondering how I am spending my time, now that I am well-rested and my child is finally napping. Well, that's easy. Am I folding the mounds and mounds of laudry I've been putting off? No. Am I saving my floors from all the little ants that seem to be suddenly appearing by vacuuming all the crumbs? Of course not. Cleaning bathrooms? Why bother--they'll just get dirty again. What I have been doing, though, is blog-stalking and catching up on past episodes of Gossip Girl online. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll also be catching up on Brothers and Sisters, 30 Rock and perhaps even Friday Night Lights (it depends on how long my little peanut sleeps). Don't you judge me; we all have our guilty little pleasures. Now I gotta jet: Serena and Blair await...


The Pyper Fam said...

Oh how I love to blogstalk...
Sometimes I come in here to just check one thing really quick, and the next thing I know I hear Tucker crying and 2 hours have gone by, and my house is still a mess, and I'm still not showered, and there are still piles of Laundry on the floor, and I still haven't gotten to the episode of 'Americas next top model' that I've been dying to see...etc. ect. etc.... Anyway, I'm glad you are getting some Jessy time now. Oh, and I forgot to tell you... You look fabulous!!! And I'm so jealous that your cute little waist came back so fast!

Megan said...

YEAHHHHH! I am so glad he is finally sleeping. Hopefully this sticks. And by all means, don't waste that precious time that you're now just getting with cleaning! :) I'm a firm believer in having "me" time. It makes for a happy mom.

Kasey Later said...

Hooray for little Will! And hooray for you! It's amazing what a few hours of sleep in a row will do for a sleep-deprived mother. I'm so glad that you had a great night!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to hear you are sleeping good. You are blessed!! My kids never slept through the night until they were 2. It took 4 kids to teach me that it all has to do with the naps schedule. The more you keep them awake during the day the more they sleep at night, go figure. Gosh!! I just loved the (me) time during the day, so naps were long for my kids.

Jane said...

Hey Upper East Sider...S and B await to be watched. And now with G in the mix, I gotta run. xoxo, Gossip Girl. (I'm so glad will slept so you could catch up on your shows! We definitely need to catch up on and discuss all the new episodes!)