Building fancy towers.
Singing songs (this is the chorus to one of his favorite songs 'Slippery Fish.' He sticks his hands to his face when the song says, "Oh, no the slippery fish got eaten by a tuna fish." It really is the cutest thing. I'm pumped I got it on film).
Singing songs (this is the chorus to one of his favorite songs 'Slippery Fish.' He sticks his hands to his face when the song says, "Oh, no the slippery fish got eaten by a tuna fish." It really is the cutest thing. I'm pumped I got it on film).
Taking all the Tupperware out of its proper place and then putting it on his head.
Climbing into the toy box, sucking on every last toy and then throwing every last toy out of said toy box.
Posing in his little spot on our front step. We have been playing outside like crazy (when our unpredictable spring weather permits) and Will loves to climb up the front steps and perch himself on the door. He thinks that doorstep was made just for him.
Of course, we've been doing other things like sleeping and eating and getting into every off-limit item in the house, but these are the few things that I just happened to document.